Thursday, July 17, 2014

13 Truths Why You Will Never Be Ready To Get Married

You are well in your late 30s, 40s or even 50s – still not married yet! And you are sure you will never, NEVER, take the big plunge! We know why!

1. You totally love your personal space, and are never ready to share it with someone or let it go because of anyone. Even sharing your room with someone gives you nightmares. You are too gratified to come out of your bubble.

2. Talking is not really important for you. You can definitely do without it… for days at a stretch.

3. If someone advises you even on small things, it's nothing but interference to you. You are pretty sure of your choices and don't like it when someone wants to change you.

4. You prefer reading a book at home to going out on dates. You are enough company for yourself.

5. You don't really enjoy when your friends bring their partners to a party or a get-together. In such cases, you are better off at your home, watching some TV. And yes, you don't want to share even your remote control.

6. The idea of going out with friends excites you more than having a candle-lit dinner with someone. Even a football match on TV is a better choice.

7. Even if you are in a relationship, you never want to take the next step. Whenever your partner brings up the topic of marriage, you dismiss it right away. This is precisely why you can't remain in a relationship for long. And no prizes for guessing, you are not at all bothered!

8. Though you have been in relationships earlier, you have always realised that you are the happiest when single.

9. You can do everything for yourself. From washing your clothes and cooking to cleaning your house and vegetable-shopping – you can do it all by yourself, and happily so! And yes, you earn too. It won't be wrong to conclude that you are self-sufficient.

10. This one is a little weird. You have no qualms about going alone for shopping and movies. If that's not all, you don't even mind going on holidays alone.

11. You believe in the phrase, 'work is worship'. Totally! You love staying in office more than at home. While the maximum hours of your weekdays are spent inside your office premises, you are working on some or the other official project during the weekends.

12. Romantic flicks make you sick. Yes, mushy love stories are just not your thing.

13. Your future plans never include someone else but only you.

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