Wednesday, June 25, 2014

17 Things You Definitely Do But Are Too Ashamed To Admit

Well, you are not the only weirdo who does all this! Many, many of us have done it all at least once! So relax! Here's the list of 17 things that you do but will never admit!

1. That you watch saas-bahu serials.

2. That you check out porn videos on your laptop.

3. That you use skin-whitening creams.

4. That you hog like anything when you are eating your favourite chicken dish in private.

5. That you snoop into your boyfriend/girlfriend's mailboxes as well as their social networking pages.

6. That you steal toilet paper rolls from your office washrooms.

7. That you indulge in some really deep nose-picking when no one is around.

8. That you fake it in bed.

9. That you pee in the swimming pool.

10. That you know all the song lyrics because you copy them from Google before cramming them.

11. That you fart and pin the blame on others present in the room.

12. That you smell your armpits to double check that you aren't smelling bad.

13. That you take a look at your poop when you are done.

14. That you type your chat messages in MS Word for spell check before sending them to your pals/partners.

15. That you have Googled your name at least 10 times before.

16. That you scratch your private parts in private.

17. That you don't wash your hands after peeing, when you are in a hurry.

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